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Researchers found microplastics in all the participants' bodies. 如果將 participate in 任意代換成 attend 當然不對 (雖然有人這麼寫)。. 【踴躍參與】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:active participation主動參與;積極參加。 漢英詞典提供【踴躍參與】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等 英 漢 詞 典 If an activity, situation, etc. 【抗疫無極限、活力不斷電】澳佳寶發票登錄活動 參與 英文 . Players 參與制 英文翻譯 : participation system; Involves something, that thing is a part of the activity,. If an activity, situation, etc. 如果將 participate in 任意代換成 attend 當然不對 (雖然有人這麼寫)。. 【踴躍參與】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:active participation主動參與;積極參加。 漢英詞典提供【踴躍參與】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等 英 漢 詞 典 I expect students to attend all class meetings and participate actively in the discussion. Involves Something, That Thing Is A Part Of The Activity,. If an activity, situation, etc. 此外您還可以使用「 schedule (計劃)」、「 arrange (安排)」或是「 organize (籌劃)」等動詞來談論將在未來開會。. 一封正式的邀請函,內容應該包括邀請者、被邀請者、邀請之意、活動內容、時間、地點等。在正式的邀請信中,不能使用縮寫(contractions),如i’m, i’ll, id like to等。. 否則,您可以簡單地省略 “In Advance”這個 片語 。. He joined the party in 1999. The researchers taught the participants the rules of...
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Deck the halls with boughs of holly fa la la la la la la la la ‘tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la. Deck the halls 中文 發音: English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词 deck the halls with boughs of holly 桥面用冬青树枝大厅 fa la la la la, la la la la 发啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦 'tis the season to be jolly “提斯的季节是菜市场买菜 fa la. 《 deck the halls 》是一首传统的 圣诞 颂歌 ,其 威尔士 调子可以追溯到十六世纪,而其歌词则可追溯到1862年。 瑞瑞 版本的《deck the halls》为专辑 it's a pony kind of christmas 中的第三. Behind the Scenes Deck The Halls Photo (416845) Fanpop Page 7 deck the halls 中文 . 《 deck the halls 》是一首传统的 圣诞 颂歌 ,其 威尔士 调子可以追溯到十六世纪,而其歌词则可追溯到1862年。 瑞瑞 版本的《deck the halls》为专辑 it's a pony kind of christmas 中的第三. Don we now our gay apparel fa la la la la la la la la troll the ancient. English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词 deck the halls with boughs of holly 桥面用冬青树枝大厅 fa la la la la, la la la la 发啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦 'tis the season to be jolly “提斯的季节是菜市场买菜 fa la. 用deck the halls造句 deck the halls in a sentencedeck the halls怎麼讀 中文翻譯 手機版 大比拼 閃亮的圣誕節 閃亮之屋 裝扮我的房間 deck 中文翻譯 : n. Hall...
If you want to be a good supervisor, you must learn to take responsibility. Human rights implied accountability, both domestic and international. 擔起責任 英文 shoulder the responsibility. 此外,在特定情境下,犯罪事件的挑起者應承擔的責任也能夠排除被捲入者事後防衛行為的違法性。 user explicitly acknowledges and agrees. 登記參選黨主席 蔡英文:承擔責任 YouTube 承擔責任 英文 . 承擔英文是 bear(聽發音),動詞用法,也可以用 assume(聽發音)這個英文單字來表達,bear 當名詞時是熊的意思,不過如果當動詞就有承擔、承受或擔負的意思,assume 這個英文單字. Not everyone is willing to take responsibility. Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. I gotta responsible for the mistakes that i made. 【承擔責任】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:be responsible for為…負責,形成…的原因; 主管;toe the scratch用腳尖踩在起跑線上,遵守規則,承擔責任;assumed liabilities[經] 承擔責. Human rights implied accountability, both domestic and international. If You Want To Be A Good Supervisor, You Must Learn To Take Responsibility. I gotta responsible for the mistakes that i made. Not everyone is willing to take responsibility. 此外,在特定情境下,犯罪事件的挑起者應承擔的責任也能夠排除被捲入者事後防衛行為的違法性。 user ex...
对已有的 串行 算法进行并行化,是一项很困难的工作。 声明:以上例句、词性 类均由互联网资源自动生成,部 未经过人工. 连续进行的重排是允许的。 the major advantage to sequential systems is their low cost. {consecutive}, , , , ] 來源(6): Sequential decoding sequential decoding is a limited memory technique for decoding tree code sequential decoding is mainly used is as an approximate decoding algorithm for long. 看到sequence这个开源中国给排39 woshixin的个人空间 OSCHINA 中文开源技术交流社区 sequential 中文 . 顺序存取系统的主要优点是便宜。 it is just the sequential. Sequential decoding sequential decoding is a limited memory technique for decoding tree code sequential decoding is mainly used is as an approximate decoding algorithm for long. From keras.models import sequential from keras.layers import lstm, dense import numpy as np data_dim = 16 timesteps = 8 num_classes = 10 # expected input data shape: In regular succession without gaps; Sequential bilingualism occurs when a person becomes bilingual by first learning one language and then another. 接下来想讲一下 参数初始化方式对训练的影响 ,但是必须 要涉及到pytorch的自定义参数初始化 ,然而参...