脫水機 英文

When you have to wash by hand put in on washboard or rub it by hand. 脫水機英文 資訊整理 page1 東碩機械企業有限公司 積二十年以上的豐富經驗,專門生產品質精良的遠心分離脫水機內、外銷。 本公司榮譽出品遠心分離脫水機係採用優良材料製造而成,傳動. 離心脫水機 例句 plastic dehydration tablets centrifugal machine is a granulator against wondering when additional cooling water outside of vertical separation, dewatering plate leaf. Add dialling mechanism and anti.

脫水機 英文
東京四季樁山莊飯店:在都心享受伊豆半島運來的溫泉!(悠The SPA篇) 林氏璧和美狐團三狐的小天地

脫水機 英文. When you have to wash by hand put in on washboard or rub it by hand. Add dialling mechanism and anti. 洗衣機的英文是 “washing machine”,有些人會用 “washer”,同樣都是洗衣機的意思喔。 洗衣服當然要用洗衣精囉,洗衣精的英文是 “detergent” ,這個英文單字可以指粉狀或. 離心脫水機 例句 plastic dehydration tablets centrifugal machine is a granulator against wondering when additional cooling water outside of vertical separation, dewatering plate leaf. Mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservative s, dried into a sheet). 27/9/2006 · 脫水機 英文就是 spin dryer,脫水的的英語翻譯,不損傷布料,版權所有違者必究。 脫水英文,帶脫水的洗衣機的英文意思,鎘, 我是一名剛上高一的學生,帶脫水的洗衣機英文.

Add Dialling Mechanism And Anti.

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Mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservative s, dried into a sheet). When you have to wash by hand put in on washboard or rub it by hand. 脫水機英文 資訊整理 page1 東碩機械企業有限公司 積二十年以上的豐富經驗,專門生產品質精良的遠心分離脫水機內、外銷。 本公司榮譽出品遠心分離脫水機係採用優良材料製造而成,傳動.

洗衣機的英文是 “Washing Machine”,有些人會用 “Washer”,同樣都是洗衣機的意思喔。 洗衣服當然要用洗衣精囉,洗衣精的英文是 “Detergent” ,這個英文單字可以指粉狀或.

27/9/2006 · 脫水機 英文就是 spin dryer,脫水的的英語翻譯,不損傷布料,版權所有違者必究。 脫水英文,帶脫水的洗衣機的英文意思,鎘, 我是一名剛上高一的學生,帶脫水的洗衣機英文. 離心脫水機 例句 plastic dehydration tablets centrifugal machine is a granulator against wondering when additional cooling water outside of vertical separation, dewatering plate leaf.

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