棘手 英文

棘手的事 英文翻譯 : a hard nut to crack 棘手的問題 英文翻譯 : a hard nut to crack; When others interfere in the affair, it always makes troubles. 難以處理的, 棘手的, manageable, 可處理的, manage, manager, 經理. 它是个棘手的政治问题。 the unemployment is a real.

棘手 英文

棘手 英文. It's a political hot potato. When others interfere in the affair, it always makes troubles. 笨拙的, 棘手的英文翻译 awkward 棘手的8字英文翻译 hard eight; 冒險, 風險, at risk, take risks of, run risks of. 它是个棘手的政治问题。 the unemployment is a real. 棘手的问题 a knotty [thorny] problem;

When Others Interfere In The Affair, It Always Makes Troubles.

棘手的问题 a knotty [thorny] problem; 它是个棘手的政治问题。 the unemployment is a real hot potato. Read about the team of authors behind collins dictionaries.

【棘手的】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:Intractable難對付的,難管教的,倔強的; 難加工的; 難治療的;Stubborn頑固的,固執的; 頑強的或有決心的; 堅持的; 棘手的;Knotty(指木.

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根据词典的定义,a hard/tough nut to crack 表示的是 “a difficult problem or situation”, 即 “难处理的事情或者场. 笨拙的, 棘手的英文翻译 awkward 棘手的8字英文翻译 hard eight; 【棘手的拼音】: jí shǒu 【棘手的意思】: 比喻事情难办或难以对付。 【棘手的近义词】: 辣手 难办 棘手造句1、事情处理得如此缓慢,看来十分棘手。2、领导决定让老张去完成这项棘手.

Sticky Issue 棘手的夥伴 英文翻譯 : Awkward Partner 尷尬的,棘手.

棘手的 英文翻譯 : awkward a; 它是个棘手的政治问题。 the unemployment is a real hot potato. When others interfere in the.

Sydney 棘手的病例英文翻译 The Most Difficult Case 棘手的个案英文翻译 13.A Tough Case 棘手的工作英文翻译 A Tough.

This is a sticky business. 它是个棘手的政治问题。 the unemployment is a real. It's a political hot potato.

冒險, 風險, At Risk, Take Risks Of, Run Risks Of.

My new boss is a. 講到中式英文,很多人會想到在企業中,大家把 cost down 錯當片語動詞使用(應該用 bring the cost down)、或者 people mountain people sea 這種直接翻譯中文成語的現象. It's a political hot potato.

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