受困 英文
If a man is able to serve the state, he. Solidarity (especially in burden sharing) can be defined as freedom from economic and social injustice; My mother always gets a bit anxious if we. Hannah said she’s going to take a few more personal leaves.

受困 英文. 困 英文翻譯 : be stranded; 八方受困英文翻译 be hard pressed from all sides; 例句: i always fall into a dream, which i am with you. 受困的英文例句 having survived being stranded on an island he is highly adaptable to the environment. Hannah said she’s going to take a few more personal leaves. All of a sudden she didn't look sleepy.
My Mother Always Gets A Bit Anxious If We.
例句: i always fall into a dream, which i am with you. 困 英文翻譯 : be stranded; Solidarity (especially in burden sharing) can be defined as freedom from economic and social injustice;
受奖者用英文怎么说 英语词典收录了最新的汉英词典和英汉词典,总共有200多万个词条,词库仍在不断更新中。 ©2022 Km查询 关于我们
When we were stuck on the island we ate tree bark to survive. 困于 而困 困境 被困 水火之中 身陷 深陷泥潭 遭遇 陷入泥潭 所困 受伤 挣扎 但困 陷入困境 险境 遇困 所幸 陷身 陷溺 陷于 困局 周成 止步 止步不前 遇险 无力解决 危难 解救 遭遇. If a man is able to serve the state, he.
Be In A Bad Way.
除了 困擾英文 、 煩惱英文外 ,還有很多字是可以用來形容情緒的,情緒形容詞學起來,之後想跟別人說你現在的心情就簡單多了!. Rescuers worked in relays to save the trapped miners. 希平方學英文 也可能從商業夥伴或其他公司處取得您的個人資料,並將這些資料與 希平方學英文 所擁有的您的個人資料相結合。 我們所收集的個人資料, 將用於通知您有關 希平.
如果背了 5000 個英文單字,甚至 10000 個英文單字,若不能正確、貼切、深刻地使用,背了這麼多的單字達到的,是否只是一個紙面上的數目? 有效「記」單字才是英文進步的不二法門!千.
So you have to take her place while she’s gone. 受困于倒塌或翻側的物件 英文翻譯 : trapped by collapsing or overturning object. 被困 英文翻譯 : fall prey to;
All Of A Sudden She Didn't Look Sleepy.
Be down on one's uppers. 八方受困英文翻译 be hard pressed from all sides; 【紓困金的英文】由於疫情重重影響到經濟,很多國家都開始發放「紓困補助」,大家知道紓困金的英文怎麼說嗎? 請選擇: 【1】economic impact payment 【2】relief money.