講堂 英文

学校の発表会のために、大勢の人が講堂に集まっている。 so many people were interested in the debate that they decided to hold it in the auditorium. 講座是在德國學院的講堂舉行,參加的來賓遠遠超過預計的人數,場內擠得寸步難行,門口也站滿了擠不進去的人。 the first lecture of series on nov. 英文三寶 the three treasures in english. 講堂 英文 lecture room [hall];

講堂 英文
頑童MJ116現身KKBOX LIVE音樂現場 一起來「Fresh Party」欣音樂欣傳媒音樂頻道

講堂 英文. 看看在講堂的聽眾們。 when we arrived, the auditorium was already filled and so we were crowded out 當我們到. 講座是在德國學院的講堂舉行,參加的來賓遠遠超過預計的人數,場內擠得寸步難行,門口也站滿了擠不進去的人。 on january 7 th, 8 th new year. Tutorjr is the global leader in online education, specially designed for young learners between 5 and 15 years old. 教室,講堂。的英文翻譯,教室,講堂。英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯教室,講堂。,教室,講堂。的英文單字,教室,讲堂。的英文,教室,讲堂。 meaning in english,教室,講堂。 怎麼. 講座是在德國學院的講堂舉行,參加的來賓遠遠超過預計的人數,場內擠得寸步難行,門口也站滿了擠不進去的人。 the first lecture of series on nov. 參考例句: look at the people in the auditory.

參考例句: Look At The People In The Auditory.

看看在講堂的聽眾們。 when we arrived, the auditorium was already filled and so we were crowded out 當我們到. 英文三寶 the three treasures in english. Tutorjr is the global leader in online education, specially designed for young learners between 5 and 15 years old.

各位先生小姐,請坐 Ladies And Gentlemen, Please Be Seated.

教室,講堂。的英文翻譯,教室,講堂。英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯教室,講堂。,教室,講堂。的英文單字,教室,讲堂。的英文,教室,讲堂。 meaning in english,教室,講堂。 怎麼. 学校の発表会のために、大勢の人が講堂に集まっている。 so many people were interested in the debate that they decided to hold it in the auditorium. 講座是在德國學院的講堂舉行,參加的來賓遠遠超過預計的人數,場內擠得寸步難行,門口也站滿了擠不進去的人。 on january 7 th, 8 th new year.

講座是在德國學院的講堂舉行,參加的來賓遠遠超過預計的人數,場內擠得寸步難行,門口也站滿了擠不進去的人。 The First Lecture Of Series On Nov.

講堂 英文 lecture room [hall];

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