Ergosterol 中文

Sterolit vakaannuttavat solukalvon rakennetta, mutta ne ovat myös monien muiden yhdisteiden. Ergosterol is a sterol found in cell membranes of fungi and protozoa, serving many of the same functions that cholesterol serves in animal cells. Ergosteroli on sienien solukalvon steroli samalla tavalla kuin kolesteroli on eläimillä. 念珠菌症( candidiasis )是假絲酵母屬(酵母菌的一種)所造成的黴菌感染,在感染口腔時,就會引發鵝口瘡(thrush) 。 症狀和病徵包括在舌頭、口腔以及咽喉的部位出現小白點,也可.

ergosterol 中文
Animal Nutritions Dalian ZhenAo BioTech Co., Ltd.

ergosterol 中文. Ergosterol is a biological precursor of vitamin d2 found in cell membranes of fungi and some protists such as trypanosomes. 念珠菌症( candidiasis )是假絲酵母屬(酵母菌的一種)所造成的黴菌感染,在感染口腔時,就會引發鵝口瘡(thrush) 。 症狀和病徵包括在舌頭、口腔以及咽喉的部位出現小白點,也可. Ergosteroli on sienien solukalvon steroli samalla tavalla kuin kolesteroli on eläimillä. 麦角甾醇 | 麦角甾醇 | 红霉素c 英文别名: It is a major sterol found in fungal cell membranes. Ergosterol is a sterol found in cell membranes of fungi and protozoa, serving many of the same functions that cholesterol serves in animal cells.

Ergosterol Is A Sterol Found In Cell Membranes Of Fungi Which Use Principally It Instead Of Cholesterol On Humans And Other Mammals.

Ergosterol is a sterol found in cell membranes of fungi and protozoa, serving many of the same functions that cholesterol serves in animal cells. Ergostane 中文翻譯 : ergostanem.麥角甾烷 ergostérine 中文翻譯 : ergostérinef.麥角固醇,麥角醇;麥角甾醇 ergosphère 中文翻譯 : 動圈 ergostérol 中文翻譯 : 專業辭典n.m.【. Because many fungi and protozoa cannot.

Ergosterol Is A Biological Precursor Of Vitamin D2 Found In Cell Membranes Of Fungi And Some Protists Such As Trypanosomes.

Determination of ergosterol content 動物飼料.麥角甾醇含量的測定 Irradiated ergosterol 中文翻譯 : 照射麥. Sterolit vakaannuttavat solukalvon rakennetta, mutta ne ovat myös monien muiden yhdisteiden.

It Is A Major Sterol Found In Fungal Cell Membranes.

Activated ergosterol 中文翻譯 : 活化麥角甾醇, 照射麥角甾醇. 念珠菌症( candidiasis )是假絲酵母屬(酵母菌的一種)所造成的黴菌感染,在感染口腔時,就會引發鵝口瘡(thrush) 。 症狀和病徵包括在舌頭、口腔以及咽喉的部位出現小白點,也可. Ergosteroli on sienien solukalvon steroli samalla tavalla kuin kolesteroli on eläimillä.

Ergosterol Peroxide 中文翻譯 : 麥角甾醇過氧化物.

Check this :Gladius Ii Origin

麦角甾醇 | 麦角甾醇 | 红霉素c 英文别名:

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